3 things I learnt about being the solo designer in a startup for 9 months

As summer is drawing to a close, and my current contract is wrapping up I’ve been thinking about what I’ve learnt over the last 9 months.

Liz Hamburger
3 min readSep 6, 2023

Ever considered a role as the solo design star in a tech startup? You’re not alone. That’s the gig I accidentally snagged. When signing the contract I was thinking about how exciting it was going to be, being part of a dynamic designer duo.

But spoiler alert: It ended up being just me.

So if you’re a designer mulling over going solo, lean in. With a decade in design under my belt, I’ve got a few nuggets from my recent nine-month stint that you won’t want to miss.

Lesson 1: Impostor Syndrome is just a fear of the unknown

So there I was, contract signed, ready to work with another designer by my side.

Fast forward a month, I was now a design team of one. Cue the nerves, right? But when I thought about where my nerves were coming from: it wasn’t about my skills or lack of experience in start-ups; it was about stepping into unknown territory.

And let me tell you, that fear? Total waste of energy. If you’ve a few years experience behind you, you have the design chops for this.

Lesson 2: Just say it — Communication is key

Look, we’ve all been there — bogged down because we didn’t speak up when we should’ve.

Learning to be upfront about what I don’t know has been a game-changer. I’m neurodiverse and, as I’ve learnt more about it and become more confident, I’ve learnt the importance of being honest when I’m confused or overwhelmed. Why? Because if you don’t, you’re going to slog through unnecessary struggles.

Trust me, it’s not a sign of weakness; it’s a shortcut to getting sh*t done.

Lesson 3: Lone wolves miss the pack

I missed the buzz of bouncing ideas off another designer, the creative friction that sparks something new.

At first, it was fine. But after a few months, the solitude wore on me. The fix? I would phone a friend — or a former colleague. And don’t be too proud to ask your developer buddies for their thoughts too!

There’s more to design than just designers, after all.

As the days count down on this contract, I’m mindful that these aren’t just one-off lessons; they’re building blocks for what comes next. A startup isn’t just a gig; it’s a crash course in real-world design.

This isn’t just about clocking in and doing a job; it’s about growing into a better version of yourself. So whether you’re fresh out of design school or a seasoned pro, taking the solo path really does prep you for whatever the universe throws your way next.

Have you worked as a solo designer before? Thought about it, but yet to take the leap? Let me know!

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Liz Hamburger

Writing about design and some other bits in between | Digital Product Designer Contractor | Event organiser for Triangirls | Formally at studio RIVAL